Provincial French Countryside

Provincial French Countryside

Friday, May 23, 2014

May 22, 2014. Toulouse to Albi.

We left Toulouse for Albi, a historic market town that was the home of Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec.

 Toulouse-Latrec's Home.

 Albi is a charming ancient city.

 Cathédral Set-Cécile, the largest all-brick building in the world, built in the 13th century.
The side of the Cathédral.
Inside the Cathedral. Jim has some really good pictures I will post when I get hold of them.
 We visited the huge Toulouse-Letrec Museum.
No pictures inside.

 More field trips. Big kids and little kids.
 We were wondering what they tell pre-schoolers about Touluose-Latrec's paintings.

My next book is on the sociology of bus riders on vacation. 
The front seats are supposed to be the most desirable. 
When someone prefers the back seats, people start wondering and spreading out.

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