Provincial French Countryside

Provincial French Countryside

Friday, May 30, 2014

May 31, 2014. The Blog.

This blog is the first of two. The second part is

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 29, 2014. Memorial of Caen.

What a day! We spent a good portion of the day at this museum dedicated to "history for peace."
Extremely comprehensive, starting with the early 1900s and going deeply into the World Wars and the Battle of Normandy.

May 29, 2014. Bayeux.

Medieval Bayeux was the first town liberated during the Battle of Normandy.
 We start seeing the different cemeteries of soldiers of the war. This one is British.
 Famous quote from the British here...

 The Tapestry Museum holds the famous Bayeux Tapestry depiction the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. It was embroidered 9 centuries ago. 
It is at least 210 feet long and wraps through the museum.

 Cute town.
 Incredible 1077 Cathedral.

 A statute dedicated to General Eisenhower in a roundabout.

May 28, 2014. Crépon, Normandy.

We were all very excited to be at our rustic French farmhouse. 
35 rooms - restored.  3 nights.

 Cannot really see in this picture, but the walls angle one way and the floor tilt another.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28, 2014. Mont-St-Michel.

This magnificent 13th Century Gothic Abbey sits on a rock in the sea. 
Mont-St-Michel took 500 years to complete: from 1017 to 1521.
It is the second most visited location in France after Paris.

 Shuttle from the parking lot to the Mont.

 Busy little old city.

 We walked the 900 some steps to the top.

 The Abby. Finally.

Notice her feet do not touch the floor!